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Hi there, welcome to the page where you can read about me!

I'm currently in my last year of college studying Creative Media Level 3 in print. I have always had print as a type of hobby, such as creating book covers, magazine front covers and playing with photoshop etc just for fun, but now I'm using my experience and new skills to create more graphic designs so that I can show off my projects.


I may be new to graphic design, but it is something I love so as long as I keep enjoying what I'm making, I will always be happy with my work.


I love to work to breifs, to try and create something from someone elses ideas and mind. It's a challenge but one I enjoy doing a lot. I do these types of things on Wattpad where I offer my services to young writers, I've made many book covers because of these opportunities and it has meant that I have been able to practice layouts and using photoshop as well as learning how to understand and talk to my 'clients' so I can create what they want to the best of my ability.


I hope you enjoy my prints!

Hi, I'm Rebecca Coughlin

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